Wednesday 13 August 2014

Detox and Rehab: Two Separate Treatments

It has been said by many a public speaker that words mean things. The statement is used to express a sentiment that we need to be careful with the words we use. Without proper words and their appropriate definitions, it can be difficult to communicate a message clearly and effectively. A great example of this is in the area of drug and alcohol rehab. More specifically, it is noted in the terms 'detox' and 'rehab'.

The terms are used interchangeably without regard to the differences between them. It is probably a good idea to sort them out, because the two treatments are entirely different. One is a short-term solution while the other is long-term. Moreover, in order for the recovering addict to wisely choose alcohol or drug rehab he or she needs to understand what the two treatments are.

Short-Term Detox

Between the two, the short-term treatment is known as detox. This is a treatment that aims to break a person's physical addiction to drugs or alcohol by way of separation. The idea behind it is to allow the body to naturally repair as much damage as possible by forcing the individual to no longer use addictive substances.

Sometimes detox is offered on an inpatient basis, by the NHS and private clinics you might find by checking with websites like The inpatient model allows detox to be medically supervised so as to help minimise withdrawal symptoms and immediately deal with any potential complications. However, detox is also offered on an outpatient basis as well. Outpatient detox tends to take longer and be more difficult to complete if one has no accountability.

Long-Term Rehab

Drug and alcohol rehab is a long-term treatment approach that seeks to get to the root of the psychological and emotional issues attached to addiction. It starts with detox, but then includes 4 to 12 weeks of psychotherapeutic treatments and 12-step work. The key to rehab is encouraging the recovering addict to personally deal with his or her thoughts and emotions so that relapse can be avoided in the future.

Proponents of rehab insist that recovering from drugs or alcohol is more than just a physical problem. It also involves dealing with the psychological and emotional. As such, they believe a more thorough psychotherapeutic programme, combined with proper support services and counselling, are what is necessary for complete and total recovery.

Whether detox or rehab is the best option for any individual is a decision best left to medical professionals and the addicts they treat. One thing is for sure, some sort of treatment is necessary if the substance abuser is to overcome his or her problems permanently. Substance abuse and addiction are two things that will not simply fade away with the passage of time.

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