Friday 23 May 2014

What Kinds of Therapies do Drug Rehab Clinics Use?

There is no denying that drug rehab clinics do very good work in helping a segment of society that so desperately needs help. Whether clinics are private, public or run by charities, these provide the services and therapies recovering addicts need to overcome their addictions. Yet one look at a group of clinics reveals something interesting: not all clinics use the same therapies.

What needs to be understood about drug addiction is that it is as individual as the clients undergoing rehab are. That is why drug rehab clinics using bespoke treatment plans for each individual seem to enjoy better success. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' approach to drug treatment that works every time.

Two Kinds of Detox

Although detox can take place in a variety of settings – i.e., inpatient, outpatient, or home – the two main types of detox are medicated and non-medicated. Medicated detox is supervised by a nurse or doctor, involving certain prescription medications designed to ease the symptoms of withdrawal and prevent medical complications. Medicated detox is not possible for every kind of addiction.

Non-medicated detox is what we commonly refer to as ‘cold turkey’. It tends to be faster and more thorough than its medicated counterpart is, but it is also a lot more uncomfortable. It is also medically supervised by drug drug rehab clinics.

The purpose of detox is to break the physical addiction to drugs or alcohol. This is accomplished by denying the recovering addict access to his or her substances of choice for period of about seven days. In that time, his or her body is able to rid itself of all of the chemicals it has been exposed to.

Multiple Rehab Therapies

When the recovering addict makes it to the rehab states, the clinic has a nearly limitless number of therapy options to choose from. This is where the real variety comes in. Rehab therapies include things like group counselling, individual counselling, life skills building, art and music therapy, exercise therapy, meditation and reflection, family support, etc.

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the more successful counselling therapies used today. It is a coping therapy designed to help recovering addicts find new and effective ways to deal with addictive thoughts and desires. Drug rehab clinics that use CBT make it part of a larger programme aimed at teaching clients a new way of life.

Aftercare Therapies

The weeks and months following the completion of a residential rehab programme can be among the most difficult for recovering addicts. To help them deal with the pressures and avoid relapse, drug rehab clinics usually include 6 to 12 months of aftercare services. Aftercare therapies include things like group support fellowship, 12-step work, and one-on-one counselling.

As you can see, there are many different therapies that drug rehab clinics can implement to help recovering addicts overcome. The best clinics will use whatever treatments are best for a given individual, as determined by experienced clinicians, rather than depending on one way of doing things.

Government Offers £10 Million in New Funding for Drug Centres

This past January (2014) the government announced a brand-new, £10 million funding package to help drug centres and individual recovery programmes serving clients in England. The funding is expected to go primarily to NHS-based programmes and volunteer organisations who depend on government money to operate.

According to the official government announcement, there is only one catch: service providers must be committed to long-term recovery based on improved patient outcomes. That means an organisation whose main strategy is to put recovering addicts on maintenance medications without any further rehabilitation will likely not convince officials to give them a grant. This money is specifically dedicated to strategies that will help reduce the number of addicts in England.

One look at the current state of government drug rehab centers makes it easy to see why the stipulation has been attached. Take heroin treatment for example. Far too many drug centres are more than willing to put clients on long-term methadone rather than actually putting them through drug rehab clinics. Why would they do this? Because methadone is easy to come by and easy to prescribe. However, long-term methadone therapy is not recovery. It is simply a substitute addiction.

Better Outcomes

The government has devised the new funding as a way to encourage better outcomes among service providers. The financial incentive will hopefully spur them to come up with effective strategies that result in real recovery. However, what if it does not?

There is a real risk that throwing more money at the rehab problem will not solve anything. First of all, there is no guarantee additional funding will follow in the coming years. Any programmes developed in conjunction with the funding will have to be discontinued once the money dries up or continue with an alternate source of funding. This is a big problem, especially where NHS programmes are concerned.

The other danger comes by way of the red tape government programmes are known for. It is very possible that grants could be made with promises of better patient outcomes, yet those outcomes never come to fruition. Such a situation would definitely be money wasted. Let us hope it does not come to that. Let us hope the government plan actually produces real, tangible results.

Private Treatment

Regardless of the outcome of the government funding project, we always have private drug centres we can rely on for effective treatments. Private clinics have been serving drug and alcohol addicts for decades. They generally have higher success rates as well.

Unfortunately, none of the private centres are in line to receive any of the new money. On the one hand that's good; government money often comes with strings attached. However, it is also bad to some extent. Many a good clinic is struggling to survive financially because the cost of care is keeping a portion of their beds empty. A little bit of extra government funding could mean the difference in keeping some of these drug centres open.

What do you think? Will more money really help improve outcomes?

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Five Important Facts about Drug Detox

How much do you really know about drug detox? It is surprising how little most of us know about a service that is becoming increasingly necessary in modern society. Between the proliferation of alcohol and all sorts of illicit drugs, we are seeing more and more people in need of rehab services through the NHS, charities, and private clinics.

It is important for you to know everything you can about drug detox just in case you ever find yourself in the position of having need of it. Whether for yourself or a loved one, detox is most successful when it is approached with a complete understanding of what it entails.

Here are five important facts about drug detox every UK adult should know:

1 - Detox Alone Isn't a Cure
Drug rehab clinics addiction is a condition involving both the body and mind. What's more, it usually involves emotional issues as well. Therefore, detox alone is not a cure for most drug addicts. Complete recovery requires participation in rehabilitative therapies that can last for up to 12 weeks.

2 - Detox Is Considered a Medical Emergency
Drug rehab detox is considered a medical emergency requiring supervision by trained personnel. Why? Because drug use results in pretty significant damage to the body's internal organs and systems. When drug use ceases, the damage may prevent the body from operating as it should, leading to medical complications that could result in serious injuries or death.

3 - Detox Can Be Medicated
Many people fear drug detox because of the horror stories they have heard about withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, while withdrawal symptoms are very real, detox from most drugs can be medicated in order to take some of the edge off those withdrawal symptoms. Prescription drugs can make withdrawal more gradual, reduce cravings, and reduce the risks of potential medical complications.

4 - Inpatient and Outpatient Availability
Even though residential rehab is considered the best option for chronic drug addicts, it is not the only option. Outpatient detox through the NHS and some private clinics is also possible. You can even undergo certain forms of detox at home if you are unable to regularly get to a local clinic.

5 - Detox Is Necessary for Complete Recovery
If the drug addict is to recover fully from his or her condition, detox is absolutely necessary. As uncomfortable and dangerous as the process might be, there is no way to change things without it. Drug detox is the first step on that long road to recovery because it breaks the body's physical addiction to drugs.

There are some drug abusers and addicts who manage to completely conquer their demons simply by successfully completing a seven-day detox programme. When detox alone works, it is the fastest and most cost-effective way to overcome addiction. However, it is important to never assume detox will work without any additional therapy.

If you have questions about drug detox, contact your GP or a local clinic. The more you know, the better prepared you will be should you need to make a decision.

Finding Rehab Clinics in London

In 2009, The Independent printed a story profiling the collapse of alcohol and drug rehab in the UK. At the time, everyone was quite alarmed that 15% of the nation's private clinics had closed their doors due to lack of funding. The good news is that the tide has turned. While there are fewer private clinics now than there were five years ago, there are plenty of rehab clinics with bed space available.

A good number of those clinics are in the Greater London area. We would not expect any different given that London is the UK capital and the most dynamic city in Western Europe. It stands to reason that there should be a number of rehab clinics scattered throughout the metropolitan area.

Finding a rehab centers clinic may be a challenge if you are not familiar with the system. Individuals looking for help can find themselves searching for weeks or months, failing to get the answers they need. This is one area where drug rehab really could stand to improve. Having said that, you do not need to be left hanging in your time of need. There are options.

Contact a Referral Service

A very good option for finding rehab centres clinics in London is to contact a referral service. There are now dozens of them offering plenty of information online along with 24-hour call centres. Referral services take all of the hassle out of finding a rehab clinic by doing all the homework for you. Within just a few minutes of speaking with you, they can advise you on your best options.

Contact your GP

For things like alcohol abuse, the GP is usually the first contact. That does not mean the GP is the one who provides treatment, but he or she can provide a correct diagnosis and then help you determine the best course of action. If a rehab clinic offers the best chances of long-term sobriety, the GP should be willing to recommend it.

Do be careful of GPs who would prefer to treat alcohol or drug problems through long-term substitute medications. All of the medications approved for drug and alcohol rehab are designed to be short-term solutions only. It is better to seek private rehab than to spend the next several years taking substitute medications.

Find a Support Group

A lot of recovering drug and alcohol addicts have found respite by becoming part of a local support group. Support groups provide mutual accountability and encouragement along with counselling and 12-step work. It is a model originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous back in the 1930s, and a model that has proved successful for more than 80 years. A support group can help you find a rehab clinic in London if that is what you need to get well.

Rehab clinics are ready and waiting in London to serve those in need. These can provide emergency admittance, medically supervised detox, rehabilitative therapy, and family support. Please take advantage of a clinic if you find yourself in need.

Drug Rehab Centres Offer the Help You Might Need

The world of drug abuse and addiction is a desperately lonely world for both the addict and his or her family. It is a world often filled by thoughts of hopelessness and desperation – a world in which those who live truly need the help of others who can lead them to recovery. Drug rehab centres are just the place to find that help.

The typical drug rehab centre is staffed by doctors, nurses, and support staff who genuinely care about the clients they serve. Their number one motivation is to ensure each person they work with comes out the other end clean, sober, and prepared to learn a new way of living. If you or someone in your family is now struggling with drugs, please consider contacting the nearest drug rehab clinics.

Signs That You May Need Help

Drug addiction can take on many different forms. However, make no mistake about it; people can easily be addicted to illicit drugs, over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, and so-called 'legal highs'. All of them are equally destructive.

Here are some of the common signs and symptoms to look out for, if you suspect you or a loved one has a drug problem in need of rehab help:

- Using drugs first thing in the morning
- Routinely planning the entire day around drug use
- Going to great lengths to obtain drugs
- Constantly worry about having enough drugs available
- Defensiveness and denial when approached by others
- A gradually reduced sense of personal responsibility
- A willingness to sacrifice personal relationships
- The need to continually take more drugs to feel good.

Any of these signs and symptoms could suggest a serious drug problem in need of rehab. People exhibiting several of the signs together definitely need help. Do not hesitate to get in touch with a drug rehab centre if you or a loved one is exhibiting these signs and symptoms.

The Road to Recovery

Experts agree that the average drug addict gradually progresses down the road of addiction without knowing what is happening. Future addicts just do not wake up one day and decide they want to be strung out on cocaine or heroin in the future. It is a long road that begins with one hit. Likewise, the road of recovery is also long.

Drug rehab centres exist for the purpose of leading recovering addicts down that road with the help and support they need. Without that help and support, it is nearly impossible to overcome. Remember, drugs take a heavy toll on the mind and body. Rehab centres treat the individual as a whole person rather than just someone who is physical body craves drugs. This is the very kind of help you might need for yourself or a loved one.

Fortunately, good drug rehab centres exist all over the UK. You can look around for yourself or enlist the help of a referral service to locate a clinic in your area.

How to Arrange Drug Rehab Help for a Loved One in Need

It is often said by experts that drug addiction is a family disease. Perhaps you know exactly what that means. Perhaps one of your family members is struggling right now with illicit or prescription drugs, tearing apart your entire family in the process. You need help, and you need now.

Drug rehab clinics help is available throughout the UK and through a number of sources:

- NHS – The NHS offers a range of services that include inpatient and outpatient detox, counselling referrals and medical therapies. The main advantage is that the services are free to UK residents. The disadvantage is that they are often oversubscribed, leading to significant waiting times.

- Drug Charities – An alternative to NHS services are the many drug charities scattered throughout Britain. These charities can offer anything from free detox and rehab to group support. A drug charity is a good option if you need more than the NHS provides but you cannot afford private treatment.

- Private Clinics – The most successful drug rehab programmes are provided by private clinics. Such clinics are located in rural or suburban environments in order to mitigate distractions. The relatively high success rate of private treatment makes it well worth the cost.

- Support Groups – A number of support groups have been birthed in the UK over the last four or five decades. Alcoholics Anonymous and Narconon are just two examples. Support groups provide a sense of fellowship and mutual accountability; two things that can go a long way in helping the drug addict recover.

- Private Counsellors – Lastly, there are private counsellors throughout the UK offering drug rehab help to individual clients. Having said that, you might have some difficulty finding a counsellor in your local area.
It is important for you to talk to some qualified people who can give you sound advice You need to know exactly what you are getting into before you make the choice for your loved one's treatment. Otherwise, the whole thing could backfire.

The intervention

We want to caution you that no matter how noble your intentions are, you cannot force you loved one to get well. This is a personal choice that only he or she can make. If that choice has not been made yet, you might be able to motivate your loved one through something known as an intervention.

An intervention is an opportunity for a group of loved ones to confront the drug addict to motivate him or her to do something for him or herself. Some counsellors recommend approaching the intervention from the angle of the physical and mental damage drugs are causing the individual. Others prefer to approach it based on how addictive behaviour is harming family members. It is up to you to decide how you want to proceed.

If you need to arrange drug rehab help for a loved one, call a rehab centre or referral agency right away. They can get you pointed in the right direction.

Monday 19 May 2014

Not All Alcohol Rehab Clinics Are the Same

Searching for an alcohol rehab clinic for yourself or a loved one is not a very pleasant experience. Between the shame of alcohol abuse and the sheer amount of information that has to be absorbed, it is not uncommon to see those in need simply throw up their hands in frustration. Part of the problem is the misconception that all alcohol rehab clinics are the same. They are not.

As in any industry, some clinics produce better results than others do. There are some that are more budget friendly as well as those that offer luxury accommodations for wealthier clients. Finding the right clinic in any given situation requires individuals to assess all of their needs and desires in light of what types of services are being offered. People who need help finding a clinic should consider contacting a referral agency.

Any choice of an alcohol drug rehab clinics should consider the following:

Public or Private

There is a big difference between public and private alcohol rehab clinics. Public clinics are typically offered by the NHS or volunteer organisations approved by the government. Moreover, while they do offer some services, those services are limited in nature. Public clinics also tend to be oversubscribed because the care is free. A private clinic is entirely different.

Private clinics admit new clients on the same day first contact is made, in most cases. These also offer treatment plans that are focused solely on the health and well-being of the recovering alcoholic. This is one of the reasons why their success rates are higher than public clinics. The one downside is that the treatment is not free.

Cost of Private Care

When considering private care it helps to know what it is you are actually paying for. There are four primary things to consider:
  • Room and board
  • Clinical and support staff
  • Medications and medical equipment
  • Property maintenance and upkeep
The fees you pay for private care essentially cover all the costs of operating the rehab clinic at every level. This should tell you that the more pricey clinics probably offer amenities you will not find at budget-friendly clinics. In the end however, the most important thing is to find a clinic that will meet your individual needs.
Clinic Location

You will find that the vast majority of alcohol rehab clinics are located in suburban or rural environments. There is a good reason for this. Recovering alcoholics tend to do better when they are in an environment free of distraction. By locating a clinic away from the city centre, it is easier to provide that distraction-free environment. Furthermore, having plenty of open space allows recovering alcoholics greater opportunity for solitude and reflection.

Choosing an alcohol rehab clinic needs to be done wisely. It should be done, first and foremost, with the good of the recovering alcoholic as the primary goal. If you are planning to look for clinic for yourself or a loved one, we urge you to choose wisely.

Three Things You Need to Know about Alcohol Rehab Help

Would you believe us if we told you that more than 8,300 people died in 2012 as a result of something directly related to alcohol use? Approximately 63% of those deaths in England and Wales were directly attributed to alcoholic liver disease. Even more alarming is the fact that 16% of the deaths occurred in people between the ages of 55 and 59. That is too young to die by any measure. However, to die because of alcohol induced liver disease is truly tragic.

We share these numbers with you in order to open your eyes to the reality that Alcohol rehab abuse is a very real problem. If you are struggling with alcohol yourself, there is no need to continue doing so. Help is available all over the UK through the NHS and private clinics like Sanctuary Lodge.

Here are three important things you need to know about alcohol rehab:

1 – It Really Works
You may have tried giving up drinking in the past, only to fall short a time later. We cannot change the past, but we can tell you that alcohol rehab through a qualified and experienced treatment centre really does work. Thousands of people succeed every year thanks to medically supervised detox and residential treatment programmes.

A comprehensive alcohol rehab clinics programme treats you at not only the physical level, but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This is the key to success. When every aspect of your alcohol addiction is addressed properly, you stand a greater chance of permanent sobriety.

2 – It Is Affordable
Most of the stories we hear about residential alcohol rehab relate to celebrities who go to exclusive clinics costing thousands of dollars per week. Yet there are plenty of clinics in the UK that are very affordable. It's a matter of looking around and finding one that fits your budget. And of course, there are financing options.

You are probably already covered if you have private health insurance. If not, you can use money from your savings, an active credit card account, or even a personal loan. If all else fails, you could also ask your family members and friends to contribute to a fund to pay for your care. There are ways to cover the cost of rehab if you really want to get well.

3 – It's Not Easy

We would be doing you a disservice if we presented alcohol rehab as being easy. It is not. In fact, it can be downright difficult. Unfortunately, alcohol drastically alters the way your brain functions. Overcoming requires breaking the physical dependence and then retraining your brain to think properly about alcohol.

Most residential rehab programmes in the UK run 4 to 12 weeks and will include both detox and rehabilitative therapy. If you are willing to put forth the effort, you can get well. With the help of a qualified alcohol rehab programme and professionals dedicated to your health and well-being, you can break the control alcohol currently holds over your life.

Friday 16 May 2014

How Alcohol Rehab Centres Can Change Lives

A person who wants help in his or her struggle with alcohol abuse or dependence has three primary options. They can seek out a local support group, they can request a prescription medication from their GP, or they can take advantage of the services provided by alcohol rehab centres. Those with the most chronic problems are limited to the last option if they expect long-term recovery. Having said that, let us talk about how alcohol rehab centres can help change lives.

For starters, we need to define three different kinds of rehab centres:

1. Public - The public rehab centre is one offered by the NHS or a government-approved voluntary organisation. These do not exist in large numbers due to severely limited funding. Yet there are a couple of them out there, particularly in the Greater London area.

2. Charities - Alcohol rehab centers run by charities are also available in limited numbers. These charities can be religious or secular; they can be locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally based. The services these provide are directly tied to their rehab philosophy and their funding sources.

3. Private - Private alcohol rehab centres tend to be what we think of when we consider residential rehab. Private clinics are funded by charging clients for services rendered. These offer residential programmes that can last anywhere from four to 12 weeks, with up to 12 months of aftercare to follow.

Medically Supervised Detox

Any alcohol rehab centre with a good success rate offers medically supervised detox for those with dependency issues. Medically supervised detox involves prescription drugs and care from experienced professionals. It is an essential part of permanently overcoming an alcohol addiction.

There are times when outpatient or home detox is a better option for clients. Outpatient detox involves the client visiting a rehab facility on a daily basis where he or she can be medically examined and given medication to control alcohol cravings. As for home detox, it is usually a last resort option for those who need medical supervision but cannot travel to a rehab centre.

Rehabilitation Therapy

Once detox is complete, the recovering alcoholic moves into the therapeutic stage of rehab. This is what sets the alcohol rehab centre apart from standalone detox programmes. This is where a life is truly changed by addressing the underlying issues responsible for addictive behaviour.

Rehabilitation therapy seeks to get at the heart of those mental and emotional issues that drive addiction. They utilise a number of different therapies, including something known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This therapy retrains the thinking so that the individual can come to terms with his or her issues and deal with them effectively. CBT is a highly successful therapy for alcohol recovery.

Alcohol rehab centres are changing lives by treating recovering alcoholics at every level. It is important that we support their efforts here in the UK. Without the services they provide, recovering alcoholics and their families will be left with limited options for effective treatment. That is simply unacceptable.

Alcohol Detox - Inpatient or Outpatient – Which Is Better?

All over the UK, there are NHS offices and private clinics providing alcohol detox to chronic abusers who find themselves in a state of dependence. Some offer outpatient detox while others work through inpatient programmes. The question is – is one type of programme better than the other?

It's hard to say given that both types of detox programmes have their strong and weak points. The only assumption we can make is that the best type of detox is the one that works for the individual accessing it. One person might do better utilising an outpatient alcohol detox programme offered by the NHS; another might need the structure and discipline of the inpatient setting.

Outpatient Alcohol Detox

Outpatient programmes are usually offered in one of two options. The first option requires the recovering alcoholic to visit a clinic every day, for 7 to 10 days. While at the clinic, he or she is medically evaluated and, when appropriate, given prescription medications to help control cravings. The second option is known as home detox.

Home detox is a good option when an individual is not able to make it to a clinic every day. Under this option, a registered nurse visits the recovering alcoholic every day for the first two or three days and on an as-needed basis thereafter. The nurse is able to prescribe certain medications when appropriate.

The biggest benefit of outpatient Alcohol rehab detox is cost. When services are accessed through the NHS, these do not cost the patient anything. There are some charities also offering free outpatient detox as well.

The major downside to outpatient services is that these do not provide the structure many recovering alcoholics need to get well. Furthermore, the recovering alcoholic remains immersed in the lifestyle and circumstances that enabled his or her drinking problem to begin with.

Inpatient Alcohol Detox

When an alcohol rehab clinics undergoes inpatient detox, it is likely going to be part of a 4-12 week programme that also includes rehabilitative therapies. This is the strength of inpatient treatment. It provides the structure and support the recovering alcoholic needs without the distractions of daily life.

The biggest downside to inpatient treatment is the fact that it is not free. Inpatient programmes are provided by private clinics that charge for their services. If you can afford private care, many consider it the best option. However, it does not do much good for those who cannot afford it.

One last thing to consider is how serious a given situation is. For example, in an emergency, the NHS might not be able to provide immediate help. Instead, there may be a waiting period involved. Such cases are better served by private clinics with the ability to offer emergency admissions.

There really is no way to say one form of alcohol detox is better than the other. It all comes down to individual needs, preferences, and financial circumstances. One thing we can definitely say for sure is that alcohol detox is available to anyone who needs it.