Sunday 27 July 2014

Why Detox Alone Is Usually Insufficient for Addiction

Every year UK taxpayers fund NHS rehab centres at a rate of millions of pounds. Yet these facilities tend to be equipped with revolving doors, so to speak, as addicts continually come and go in a never-ending cycle of detox, relapse and detox again. Something is clearly not working.

An unbiased study of the evidence shows that one of our biggest problems is our view of detox. For too many policy makers, the belief that a 7 to 10-day detox programme is all that is required to overcome addiction is prevalent. However, reality bites. The truth is that detox alone is usually insufficient for complete recovery from addiction.

It is not enough to simply break a physical addiction through detox. It is even worse to condemn addicts to a lifetime of substitute medications under the guise of providing 'ongoing outpatient detox'. In order to conquer their demons once and for all, recovering addicts need to undergo comprehensive treatment at alcohol and drug rehab clinics specialising in addiction recovery.

Mind and Body

The very real problem of addiction is not just a physical one. It is also mental and emotional. When recovery focuses on detox only, all we are doing is dealing with the physical aspects of the problem. Then the recovering addict returns right back to the same life and circumstances that enabled his addiction to begin with. It is no wonder the rates of relapse among detox-only patients are astronomical.

On the other hand, treatments that also address the psychological aspects of addiction tend to be more successful. Take those private rehab centers that combine detox with psychotherapeutic treatments as an example. They start treatment by breaking the physical addiction, and then follow up by addressing the mental and emotional aspects.

Retraining the Mind

Why is psychotherapeutic treatment necessary? Because abusing drugs and alcohol alters the way the brain works. Addicts tend to have trouble thinking rationally about their substance abuse and the root causes of their misery. Without retraining the mind to think rationally, those incorrect thoughts and attitudes will continue. The first sign of any sort of pressure will likely result in relapse.

Combined detox and psychotherapeutic treatments do not work for everyone, especially among recovering addicts who do not genuinely want to recover completely. However, the combined treatments do far better than detox alone. They are a better option because they address addiction from every angle, rather than treating the problem as just a physical one.

Clearly, spending millions of pounds on programmes that focus only on detox is not accomplishing the results we are looking for. Yet we have been cutting funding for private rehab centers for a number of years. It is time we reverse that trend in the UK.

Addiction: Count the Cost before You Start

What do nearly all drug addicts and alcoholics have in common? They did not start out with a desire to become addicted. Rather, addiction is a gradual process that occurs without the individual even understanding what happening. The truth is that any of us could end up being the next client to check into the local drug rehab clinic if we are not careful.

Before you take that next drink or swallow that next pill, count the cost associated with addiction. If that cost is too high, and it is, do not use. Find something more productive to do with your time than taking drugs or drinking. If you need help coping with your problems, it is available all across the UK.

So, what is the cost of addiction? Consider the following:

1. Poor Health – Even the most socially acceptable drugs, like alcohol, can have devastating effects on personal health. Long-term alcoholics are likely to wind up with liver damage. Long-term cannabis users are at a higher risk for depression, memory loss, and cognitive issues. Cocaine users have a higher propensity for heart attack, stroke, and respiratory failure.

2. Premature Death – Along with all of the health issues of substance abuse comes the very real possibility of premature death. How many beds at UK rehab clinics remain empty because alcoholics and drug abusers die before they get treatment? The fact is that premature death associated with drug and alcohol use is a greater risk the longer you use.

3. Financial Ruin – The dirty little secret about addiction is that users can never get enough. They constantly need a higher volume of drugs or alcohol to feel satisfied. Moreover, more drugs or alcohol means more money. Addiction could mean the loss of your job; it could mean a total financial ruin that destroyers everything you worked so hard to build. You might even have to resort to stealing to supply your habit.

4. Broken Relationships – The worst of the consequences is that of broken relationships. Be mindful of the fact that addiction does not just affect the individual using drugs or alcohol; it affects the entire family. That is why drug and alcohol rehab clinics tend to offer family counselling services. Without treatment, you could destroy every personal relationship that is important to you. You could lose your spouse, your children, your extended family and every friend you have ever had.

Now that you know the cost of addiction, you must ask yourself whether it is truly worth taking the risk. We suggest it's not. Do not fool yourself into thinking you are the type of person who can drink or use drugs indiscriminately without ever becoming an addict. Lots of others have thought the same thing – and they were wrong.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Addiction Recovery: Conquering the Fear

For someone who has never personally dealt with a serious drug or alcohol problem before, it is hard to understand why an addict cannot simply quit using. Truth be told, it is not as simple as that. The long-term use of mind-altering substances physically affects how the brain works. In turn, this also affects how the addict thinks.

Almost every addict is riddled with fear. Some are terrified they will fail in recovery and find themselves in a worse place than when they started. Others fear disappointing family members and friends. By and large, many of them are terrified of life itself. The reality is that complete recovery requires overcoming fears in a way that prevents them from coming back. Detox alone usually does not suffice in this area.

Psychotherapeutic Treatment

Today's most successful rehab clinics take advantage of a number of effective psychotherapeutic treatments to deal with issues of fear. One of the more common treatments is something known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It is a therapy originally designed to help patients coping with certain types of mental illness come to grips with what they are dealing with. However, researchers soon discovered it was effective for drug and alcohol treatment as well.

CBT is different from other counselling therapies inasmuch as it is not open-ended. It is a goal-oriented therapy with a definite conclusion. Goals are set by the therapist during the first session, and then gradually worked through with each successive session. Achieving one goal leads to working on the next. The average CBT programme can be concluded in 12 to 15 weeks.

The goal of the therapist is to help the client identify those things that trigger fear and the individual's response to it. Then the therapist teaches the individual how to deal with those fears in ways that do not involve drugs or alcohol. It is a very effective strategy that helps many of the residents attending drug and alcohol rehab clinics.

Other Treatments

CBT is but one tool at the disposal of addiction recovery therapists. Other tools include group support and counselling, life skills training, and therapies that challenge recovering addicts both physically and mentally. The key for alcohol and drug rehab clinics is to design bespoke treatment plans for each client. Customising treatment increases the chances of permanent success significantly.

If you are living with someone struggling with drugs or alcohol then it is important for you to understand that fear is a big part of what they are dealing with. Overcoming that fear will be necessary for complete recovery. As for how you can help, that is determined by doctors and therapists. Nevertheless, if you are willing to help, you can provide some of the support and assistance your loved one needs to conquer his fears.

When Alcohol Abuse Becomes Addiction

Alcoholism, alcohol dependence, or addiction; no matter what term is used to describe it, the condition is one that devastates both the individual drinker and his family. The good news is that it can usually be avoided by understanding the signs of alcohol abuse and how it progresses to a state of addiction. When alcohol abuse is recognised, proper intervention can prevent it from progressing to the next stage.

There are three types of alcohol-related problems generally recognised at the clinical level:

1. problem drinking
2. alcohol abuse
3. alcohol dependence (alcoholism, addiction).

The key to preventing dependence is to intervene while the individual is still in one of the first two stages. Unfortunately, today's alcohol rehab clinics are dealing with far too many individuals classified as long-term alcoholics.

Problem Drinking

The NHS recommends men limit their alcohol consumption to 3-4 units of alcohol per day; women should limit themselves to 2-3 units. Units are calculated by dividing the strength of an alcoholic beverage by its total volume, then multiplying that number by 1,000. The formula dictates that a small glass of wine with an alcohol content of 12% is equal to 1.5 units.

The problem drinker exceeds the recommended limits on a regular basis without necessarily getting drunk. He may adhere to the limits during the week, and then consume more on the weekends. Problem drinkers tend to drink in order to help them relax or deal with problems.

Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse is defined as exceeding the recommended limits persistently and without worry. Alcohol abusers tend to be binge drinkers with a tendency to spend several days every month in a drink induced haze. As alcohol abuse continues to develop, it eventually leads to alcohol dependence. Unfortunately, the abuser who has been at it long enough may be just one or two drinks away from alcohol rehab.

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol abuse becomes addiction when an individual reaches a point of being controlled by alcohol. The addict is a person who constantly thinks about alcohol; he is a person who is worried he will not have enough alcohol to get through the day; he is someone who will go to extraordinary lengths to get a drink. is one of the many organisations helping alcoholics overcome their issues by way of residential treatment. They say that it is common for clients to call them looking for help without knowing the extent of their problem. Many simply do not understand they are addicted.

The reality is that alcohol abuse will usually become addiction if left untreated. As a casual drinker, the best thing you can do is learn the signs of problem drinking, abuse and dependence, so that you are not caught off guard. If you recognise yourself as a potential problem drinker, get help now.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Three Things You Need to Know about Addiction Intervention

Family members and friends living with addicts often find themselves at a loss as to what they can do to help. They certainly cannot force a drug or alcohol addict to get treatment, yet they also have to be very careful not to be an enabler of addictive behaviour. It can be a difficult balancing act at times.

One of the strategies recommended by organisations like is that of conducting an intervention. An intervention is a scenario in which a group of concerned family members and friends confront the addict about his problem. The idea is to motivate the individual to agree to treatment. An intervention can be conducted completely independently or under the direction of a professional counsellor.

Here are three things you need to know about the intervention if you are considering conducting one yourself:

1. Results Vary

An intervention is no different from the treatments offered in rehab centers in the sense that results will vary from one situation to the next. In other words, no one can force an individual to recover from addiction. That choice rests with the addict himself. Therefore, you may conduct an intervention only to find out that nothing changes. As good a motivational tool as intervention might be, sometimes you come up short. However, do not be discouraged. Wait a little while and try again. Sometimes it takes two or three interventions in order to get the addict's attention.

2. Different Approaches

Professional counsellors approach intervention from one of two angles. One group believes it is best to focus on the addict and the harm he is doing to himself. The idea is that making him aware of self-destruction will motivate change. The other group believes it is best to focus on family members and friends, and the harm the addict is causing them. They believe shifting the focus from the addict to those he is unintentionally harming is a better motivator. Neither approach is necessarily right or wrong; it is best to follow the advice of your counsellor.

3. Immediate Action

When an intervention is successful, family members and friends may have a small window of opportunity to act. That means they must be ready to admit their loved one to treatment right away. If they wait too long, he may change his mind. Getting information about available alcohol and drug rehab clinics ahead of time is a good idea.

Information about conducting an intervention is available from a number of online resources including counselling organisations, drug and alcohol charities, medical websites, and government portals. Individuals living with drug addicts or alcoholics should take advantage of the free information. It may turn out that conducting an intervention is the most helpful thing they can do for their loved one.

For More Information Visit

The Differences Between 12-Step and SMART Rehab

The 12-step approach to alcohol rehab has been around since the establishment of Alcoholics Anonymous back in the 1930s. It is an approach that has proved successful for not only recovering alcoholics, but also those recovering from drug and compulsive behaviour addictions. Yet it is not the only approach that works.

Another approach, known as self-management and recovery training (SMART) looks at the rehab equation from a slightly different perspective. Since its development in the 1990s, the SMART approach has given birth to more than 1,000 support groups around the world.

There are two primary differences between the 12-step and SMART approaches. The first can be found in the way the two approaches view addiction. The second is one of personal responsibility. Let us look at both differences in a little more detail for better understanding:

View of Addiction

The 12-step approach to alcohol and drug rehab sees addiction as a lifelong disease requiring a lifelong commitment to recovery. As such, this approach equips recovering addicts with certain tools and strategies they can use to avoid relapse permanently. The SMART approach sees things differently.

Rather than seeing addiction as a lifelong disease, advocates of the SMART approach see it as a personal problem that can be permanently solved by finding and applying the right solutions. Moreover, just like any other problem, once solved the former addict can move on with his life. Those who employ this approach do not expect to see the same people in support meetings for years on end.

Personal Responsibility

The area of personal responsibility is another one where the differences between 12-step and SMART programmes are stark. The 12-step approach is built on the belief that the recovering addict is responsible to a higher power. That higher power is not necessarily identified as any particular religious deity; rather, each recovering addict relates with the higher power as he understands it.

In the SMART approach, the only personal responsibility is to oneself. This view lays all of the responsibility for success or failure directly at the feet of the addict. As such, it is also the responsibility of each addict to find a solution that will work best for him. That's not to say he doesn't receive support and good ideas from others, it's simply to say that the ultimate responsibility for finding and applying solutions rest on him.

It is interesting to note that both approaches work fairly well. That should be no surprise, given the fact that addiction is a very personal struggle that cannot be defined as concretely as some would believe. In the end, it comes down to whatever approach works for the individual. As long as the demons are conquered, it matters not how one gets there.

For more Information visit

Thursday 10 July 2014

What One Can Expect From Detox?

You may have heard detox mentioned when reading about drug or alcohol rehab and are wondering what exactly detox is. Well simply put, it’s the process by which the addict gets all of the dangerous substance(s) out of their body.

Detox has to be carried out before rehab can begin; this goes for every type of drug addiction. The addict cannot go through rehabilitation with the drug still in his or her system; they must become completely drug free before moving on to rehab. Detox should almost always be carried out by professionals, for a host of different reasons.

Experts carrying out detox on a patient can monitor their health throughout the whole process, this is especially critical when dealing with drugs like heroin which can cause death from withdrawal. The patient must be kept safe throughout the whole procedure to avoid any complications that could arise. This leads onto the next important point which is that professionals can give the patient medication to ease the pain and symptoms associated with withdrawal. 

The body gets so used to a substance being present that it will panic in a response to not having the drug. This can often be symptoms like nausea, headaches, hallucinations, delusions and more which can be hard to deal with. Professionals offering medication can make or break someone overcoming their physiological dependence, so it’s naturally a better idea to detox in a qualified detox centre.

With the support of friends and family, along with everyone in your detox centre, you or your loved one can definitely get through detox; many do it in less than a week! After that it’s straight to rehab to begin counselling where you or your loved one will come to understand that they do not need drugs or alcohol to enjoy a fulfilling life. Many don’t actually know what detox involves and that can drive people away from it, this is something that needs to be addressed with more available information.

Detox can be difficult; we certainly know that, however it is not a place to scared or cynical about, quite the opposite. Know that detox is a very important part of the process of overcoming a drug addiction; it flushes out all the toxins in the body and liberates it from the clutch of drug addiction. We want drug rehab and alcohol rehab addicts to live a life completely free of the substances and to do that we must first get them to break off of the drug completely, only then can a rehab clinic get to the root cause of the drug addict’s problem behaviour.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Only Best Rehab Can Help Out To Recover Your Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is a very big problem in the modern day as our binge-drinking culture in the UK can often be a springboard into alcohol dependency and then fully-blown addiction. Not only that, but with teenagers starting drinking at younger and younger ages, it only broadens the age range from which alcohol addiction can strike.

Alcohol rehab is where many alcohol addicts come to shake off their addiction problem that will not only be affecting them, but the people that care about them too. While the alcohol addict will often put themselves in danger by being irresponsible with their drinking habits, it is often overlooked that the friends and family of the addict will suffer as well. That’s why it is important to get the addict into an alcohol rehab as soon as possible.

In an alcohol rehab, of which there are many in the UK, the addict will be brought to realise the damage and distress they are causing to both themselves and their loved ones. Sometimes this is done in the form of an intervention which brings the whole family together, with the help of professionals, to let the addict know how bad their problem is. After the addict makes the right decision to enter rehab, they will usually go through a detox first.

In detox, the addict will be weaned completely off of alcohol with the aid and supervision of experts. Sometimes the addict will be given drugs which will ease the pain of coming off of alcohol due to the withdrawal symptoms, these come about due to the body not being used to not having alcohol in its system. After the detox session is complete, alcohol rehab can begin.

In alcohol rehab clinics, the addict will attend regular counselling and take part in activities to help them understand that they can function even better in life without alcohol. The addict will have one-on-one counselling sessions to dig deep into the bigger picture of why the individual began drinking in the first place. Maybe it was after a tragedy like a death of a loved one, if that was the case, the counsellor would help the individual get through the problem and show them that they do not need alcohol in their life.

The stay at alcohol rehab can be very refreshing indeed as the individual will not have to worry about outside life while in a residential rehab where everything is prepared for them. This usually includes nice and homely rooms, nicely prepared food and other people going through the same events which let the addict know they are not alone. Alcohol rehabs often have workshops and activities for the patients to take part in for recreational purposes and to practice different skills. As you can see, alcohol rehab is easily the best choice for getting an alcohol addict back on the rails to living a normal life again.

Get Complete Knowledge about Addiction and Spread It All Over the World

Addiction is a downward spiral which many people around the world unfortunately find themselves in every year. Whether it’s a legal drug like alcohol or hard illegal drugs like heroin, the effects can be devastating for the individual and his or her family and friends. That’s why it is important to understand what addiction is, how it comes about and what options there are available for the addict in question.

Addiction can usually be divided into 2 main camps, physiological addiction and psychological addiction. Physiological addiction is when the addict’s body feels like it needs the drug to function normally, not having the drug can yield painful symptoms and even death in some cases, this is known as withdrawal symptoms.

Psychological addiction is a little different; this is when the addict thinks they need the drug to continue their everyday life normally, whereas the body will not have any adverse effects from not indulging in the drug. The addict may have gotten so used to something like smoking cannabis every day to feel good that he or she think that they will feel terrible if they stop. Sometimes this is exactly the case, however they have to realise that relying on dangerous substances to feel good is not a healthy lifestyle at all and that they can find happiness in life without the drug.

In the UK, the number of people with a alcohol and/or drug addiction keeps rising every year which is a really big problem that many people don’t realise. With our binge-drinking culture, we’re finding more and more people of all walks of life are the victim of alcohol addiction and are in dire need of professional help. The silver lining however is that there are many, many facilities dotted around the UK and the whole world where a drug and/or alcohol addict can receive treatment and start the journey of recovery, ultimately with the objective of getting them back into enjoying life without dangerous substances.

Rehabilitation and Detox clinics are where the magic happens. An addict who makes the right decision will most likely start off in detox where they will shake off their cravings for the drug they are partial to. With the help and supervision of trained professionals, the individual can leave the detox with no traces of the drug in their system and hopefully no further want for the drug, however rehab usually comes after detox.

The individual will work through their problems with drugs or alcohol in the rehab clinics with a qualified drug counsellor. They’ll learn self-control along with uncovering why they ended up with an addiction in the first place. With the support of friends and family, it is hoped that the addict can then leave rehab with a bright and drug-free future ahead of them.

Addiction is a very real problem in today’s world, but we can overcome it by working together.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Drug Rehab Centers: The Only Way to Make Your Life Perfect

Drug rehab is the best possible place for a drug addict to end up, no matter what dangerous substance they have a problem with. From prescription drugs to hard illegal drugs like heroin, an addict’s life can spiral completely out of control and that comes with many big dangers to both them and their loved ones. The good thing is that there are drug rehab clinics on hand to help these people out.

Drug rehab clinics can be found all over the world and there are particularly many in the UK ready to treat those in need. If you yourself have a drug problem or someone you know needs help, you can easily search for a drug rehab clinic near you through the many addiction helplines on the web. You can find all kinds of drug rehabs that are suitable to you or your loved one’s needs.

The types of drug rehab vary quite a bit in terms of things like whether you can stay there overnight, how much one-on-one time you get and the activities available. It is generally believed that a private residential drug rehab is the best option for any addict. The fact that it is residential means that the drug addict can stay there and fully concentrate on recovery without the worries of the outside world. This also works as a deterrent against trying to procure their drug of choice again. Being a private rehab often means better care as they have the necessary funds to get the best facilities and staff available. Though the price may be higher than some other rehabs, private residential rehab offers the addict the very best chance of recovery and re-entering normal everyday life.

So what kinds of things can you expect at a drug rehab? Well drug rehabs are usually very relaxing and pleasant places to spend your time. If it’s a residential rehab then you’ll usually have a nice and homely room with comfy furniture. You’ll have your food prepared for you and there’ll often be activities for you to take part in, not to mention many drug rehabs have workshops for you to improve yourself in a range of different skills. When it comes to the help the addict will receive, you can be rest assured it is top quality for every patient.

Most drug rehabs will offer both group and individual counselling to help the addict see that they do not need drugs to live a happy and fulfilling life. They will also see that they are not alone in their journey to living a drug-free life. Getting to the root of the problem e.g. finding out and working past the reason the addict decided to take drugs in the first place is what a drug counsellor will help the addict achieve.

Check out some of the drug rehabs around the UK today, no doubt you’ll find many high-quality drug rehabs that suit you or your loved one’s needs.

Are You Drugs Or Alcohol Addicted? Do Join Rehab Clinic Today

Rehab clinics are where vulnerable people who have an addiction to something like alcohol or drugs come to overcome their addictive behaviour and prepare to re-integrate into everyday life without abusing drugs. With enough effort and determination, anyone can enter a good rehab clinic and come out a success.

Private Residential rehab clinics are generally considered the best option for an addict looking for help. This is somewhere they can stay overnight while receiving treatment which means they will have less outside distractions that may make them want to go back to drugs or alcohol. Also if anything was to go wrong there would be experts on hand to help the addict in any way they need, whether it be medication to ease the symptoms of withdrawal or psychological issues they need to work through like depression. There is much a rehab clinic can offer their patient.

One-On-One counselling is a large part of an addict’s stay at a rehab clinic. A drug counsellor will help the patient work through the root of the addiction, why it began and how to deal with feelings that normally would’ve been blocked out by taking drugs. Through this process, it is hoped that the patient will see that they do not need their drug of choice to enjoy life again.

Group Counselling is another important part of attending a rehab clinic. Hearing other people’s stories will show you that you’re not alone in finding treatment for your addiction, quite the contrary. Many people find themselves stuck in the rut of drug addiction but it’s certainly not impossible to get out, especially with the help of the experts in our rehab clinics.

Activities and workshops exist in most rehab clinics, these offer the patient a chance for recreation and skill-building to prepare for leaving the rehab clinic into the real world again. Overcoming addiction is a personal growth process within the individual and thus working on one’s self in all manners is part of the process.

Some rehab clinics offer more luxury facilities such as gyms, swimming pools or spas, however these tend to be the minority. Rehab is primarily focused on the individual overcoming their addiction to dangerous substances and that is exactly what can be achieved in the majority of residential rehab clinics.

We urge to take a look at some of the rehab clinics near you to see what facilities and services they offer an inpatient. We’re sure most, if not all, will meet your requirements. Ridding your life or the life of loved one, of drugs should be your top priority and residential rehab can help you achieve just that.